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Probiotics and Antibiotics: How to Use Them Together Safely

Probiotics and Antibiotics: How to Use Them Together Safely

While both probiotics and antibiotics are crucial for preserving and regaining good health, when combined, they may have a considerable negative effect on the ratio of good to bad bacteria in the gut. In order to obtain the best results, it's crucial to know how to combine them safely.

What are antibiotics?

Strong drugs called antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infections. They function by eradicating or inhibiting bacterial growth in the body. Antibiotics, however, may also eradicate healthy bacteria in the gut, creating an unbalanced population of the two types of bacteria. Numerous digestive problems, including diarrhea, bloating, and gas, may result from this.

What are probiotics?

Contrarily, probiotics are living bacteria that are identical to the good microorganisms that are present in the human stomach. They function by reestablishing the proper ratio of beneficial and harmful bacteria in the stomach, which helps to enhance digestion and gut health.


What happens when I mix antibiotics and probiotics? 

Antibiotic side effects may be minimized and the balance between good and harmful bacteria in the stomach can be restored when probiotics and antibiotics are taken together. The prevalence of antibiotic-associated diarrhea may be decreased by consuming probiotics while taking antibiotics, according to a research that was published in the journal "Clinical Infectious Diseases."

Not all probiotics are made equal, so it's crucial to choose a probiotic supplement that includes strains that are recognized for their ability to successfully restore the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut. Bifidobacterium bifidum and Lactobacillus acidophilus are two popular probiotic strains.

Additionally, it's important to see a healthcare provider before beginning any new supplement regimen, especially if you're on antibiotics. They can assist you in choosing the best probiotic supplement for you as well as the safest strategy to combine probiotics with antibiotics.

Overall, both probiotics and antibiotics are crucial for maintaining health. Together, they may lessen the negative effects of antibiotics and reestablish the proper ratio of good to harmful bacteria in the stomach. Before beginning any new supplement regimen, choose a probiotic supplement that includes strains that are proven to be helpful for your issues specifically and to consult a healthcare practitioner.

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